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Food Coloring Types

I have been asked what food coloring I use, and if there is any difference on the type of food colorings...and well I like to use Wilton's brand, but I know there are a lot of good quality food coloring. Try to buy the ones that are heavy in texture, thick...not the liquid ones. The thicker ones, like Wilton's have better pigmentation, and you'll need less to achieve your desired color.
  • There are 2 main different types of Food Colorings: The Icing Color, and Candy Food Coloring. 

The Icing Color:  (disolves in water), This is one you'll use to color your Royal icing, and to give color to the Marshmallows (tutorial next week)

Candy Food Coloring: (which is oil based) perfect to add color to candies, and chocolate (white chocolate), if you want to make chocolate covered marshmallows in a color chocolate, these are the food Coloring you'll need to achieve your desired color


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